Thursday, May 12, 2011

Taipei Top 5 Must Visit - National Palace Museum

I used to have the perception that "museum" is a a boring place where one could see the artifacts as in vases, paintings and etc. That's what came across my mind too when my partner told me that National Palace Museum is one of the "must visit" at Taipei too.

It is said that National Palace Museum is one of the largest collection of ancient Chinese artifacts. The collection encompasses over 8,000 years of Chinese history from the Neolithic age to the late Qing Dynasty [Wikipedia]. Most of the collection are high quality pieces collected by China's ancient emperors including the famous Emperor Qian Long.

We got to know that the Museum is open to public for FREE on every Saturday evening (5pm-8.30pm). Thus we grab this opportunity to visit the musuem before our visit to nearby Shilin Night Market (stay tuned for next post). There are many artifacts to see in the 3 floors museum and we couldn't manage to go through all the floors. Every items are very interesting and each with detailed descriptions. Vistors can opt to get an audio device from the counter that comes with pre-recorded explainations on each artifacts. The "must visit" artifact in the museum is the most famous 3 Tressure of the Museum.

According to Wikipedia, the 3 Tressures has been chosen by the public as the most important item in the museum's entire collection. Due to the photograpghy is prohibited in the museum, i uploaded the 2 Tressures images (got from web) that we managed to visit.

The Jadeite Cabbage

The Meat-shaped Stone

To get to National Palace Museum, take MRT to Shilin Station. From Shilin Station, take bus R30 (Red 30) / 255 / 304 to the museum.

For more information, feel free to visit their official website

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