Monday, March 30, 2009

Japanese Dinner

During the weekend, a Japanese friend of mine invited me and some of the friends to his house for dinner. He cooked some of the local Japanese dishes for us to try. All of the food are very delicious and easy to prepare.
One of my favourite dish for that night was the Okonomiyaki aka Japanese Pizza. It's tasted so delicious and easy to make. According to my Japanese friend, there are few style of cooking the Okonomiyaki. The Tokyo style, Osaka style and Hiroshima style. The one he prepared for us was the Hiroshima style. At the same time, my friend also prepared the Japanese hamburger for us. Hamburger was famous among the japanese kids.

Okonomiyaki with seaweed and mayo topping
Japanese Fried Rice

Complete Meal (Okonomiyaki, Tomato salad, Japanese Hamburger, Fried Rice)


Madam Tang said...

WSow! Interesting foods! Your are having great life style!

S.K.Roy said...

Nice and mouth watering posts.

tomato said...

Dear Madam Tang and Kisoni,

Thanks for dropping by my blog and comments.