Saturday, November 12, 2011

Koala Close Encounter =)

According to weather forecast earlier, Saturday will be a sunny day. Yippie!! We headed for a short roadtrip to Ballarat wildlife park in the morning. Based on some studies from other blogger, in the wildlife park, visitors get to get close to koala and even can pat on them.

This is pretty unusual as each states in Australia has its own rules in protecting this special and cute marsupials. It used to be rule in Victoria state that public is not allowed to pat or to handle koala. Guess the rules has been changing slowly whereby public is allowed to pat the koala with their keeper around and also the koala did not show any sign of stress.

It was a great experince for me today at the wildlife park to get so close, realllyyyy close to the koala, Milton. He was so cute! I have been to Melbourne Zoo and Koala Conservation Park before early this year whereby they do have koalas in the park. However none of them allowed public to get close to it. Thus, anyone that wish to have a gentle feel on this cute animal, you can visit the Ballarat Wildlife Park. Koala show starts at 2pm daily where the keeper will bring the koala for public to pat and explain some of the bio-details.

The park have few sections of the Australian animal exhibits such as the reptiles, wombats, tasmanian devils, koala and open enclosure of kangaroos whereby visitors can puchase some of the kangaroo's food to feed them. Although the park is not too big, but it is definitely worth to visit especially you can get close and pat the animals!

Entrance fee: AUD 24

Monday, November 7, 2011

Breakfast again...=)

Melbourne is indeed a place with vast choices of nice and sumptous breakfast. Felt really blessed to be here with my loved ones. Thank God. =)

We were to this small little cafe at Seddon, West Melbourne after attending a house auction nearby. The cafe was built with attractive exterior with it's theme Gravy Train. It has both outdoor and indoor space for it's customer and the food was great with reasonable price.

On that day, we ordered a Roma poached eggs and spinach omelette with toast that are listed in their "Special" menu. For drinks, we go for the "fresh" cranberry and raspberry shakes for a healthy boost of the day. Beside, we also ordered their bacon and chicken pasta for sharing basis. Turn out to be very tasty and rich in flavour. Yummy!

Definitely will visit the cafe again!

Gravy Train Cafe
83 Gamon Street
Yarraville Vic 3013
Ph: (03) 9687 9866